Student Information
- Bell Schedule
- Cell Phone Policy
- Counseling
- Infinite Campus Student Portal
- Lunch Menu
- Report Bullying
- Spirit Wear
- Student Handbook
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
Bell Schedule
Cell Phone Policy
In order to foster an environment in which students are fully present, focused on learning, and ready to engage with their peers and teachers, students are expected to leave cell phones, other electronics, and ear buds in their lockers throughout the school day (bell to bell). Exceptions to the rule include cell phone usage for educational purposes and special circumstances.
Our counselors provide support for students' social emotional, academic, and career exploration needs. See the counseling section of our site for more information.
Infinite Campus Student Portal
Students can stay up to date on grades, assignments, attendance, schedules and more through Infinite Campus. Access your student portal here.
Lunch Menu
Report Bullying
Spirit Wear
Student Handbook
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Visit the BVSD website to review student rights and responsibilities.