Safe Routes to School

CMS Transportation Map

We encourage students and their families to walk, ride bikes, skateboard, scooter, and use other self-propelled methods to get to school year-round!

Biking (or riding a scooter, or skateboarding, or walking…) to school:

There is a bike corral to the southeast of the school and bike racks north of school near the track. Skateboard storage is in the old phone booth in the hall across from the auditorium. There are also racks for adult bike parking under cover near the main office entrance.

DO NOT let your dog off leash on CMS property during school hours.

Taking the School Bus:  Call 720-561-5125 for eligibility and bus stops

Driving to school:

For safety, be aware of walkers and bikers, follow traffic rules. Please be courteous to our neighbors;  turn off your engine while you wait.

It is illegal to make a u-turn on Norwood in front of the school, and you may be ticketed.


Head west on Norwood. Drop off/pick up your student in the tennis court parking lot. Alternatively, continue on Norwood and pull into one of the parking spaces adjacent to the baseball field to drop off/pick up.

DO NOT make a u-turn anywhere on Norwood.


Take Oak to 21st St.
Turn left (north), then go INTO the teachers’ parking lot. After dropping off/picking up, turn right (north) on 21st and go left (west) on Orchard to 19th.

DO NOT stop to load/unload students on 21st St. between Norwood and the teachers’ parking lot.